Improvement of the environmental performance of latxo sheep farms, through energy efficiency, power generation and reduction of the environmental footprint


The Operative Group includes eight sectoral entities, of different nature, who provide professionals who allow the construction of a multidisciplinary and multifunctional team, in which all the links in the food chain are represented, and on the subject of energy, agents that commercialize and they produce renewable green energy.

Kerixara sll

Operative group leader

Kerixara is a family farm of Latxo sheep in which Felix and Martin Ajuria work, two brothers with great experience in working on innovation in cooperation, to improve the competitiveness of the sector, in keys of environmental, social and economic sustainability

Kerixara sll

Noemi Salazar Gomez

Coordinator of the operative group

Agricultural Engineer by profession, and excited to collaborate to turn dreams that transform reality into solutions ...

Coordinator of the project, and in charge of its dynamization and dissemination, she values the work carried out in the OPerative Group, and creates areas in which internal synergies and with external agents are generated, like sparks that discover new paths for us to travel.

Noemi Salazar Gomez

Etxezuri EZ


Etxezuri is a family-owned Latxo sheep cheese factory where Miren and Ion Murguiondo work, two brothers who work to produce DOP Idiazabal cheese in an artisanal way, and who also produce bread that they sell in short circuits.

Shepherd Cheese Coop


ARTZAI GAZTA is an association of Pastors who make shepherd's cheese, currently composed of 104 members, which is committed to an extensive grazing model and works to improve the handling conditions of sheep of the protected breeds Latxa and Carranzana in the territories of Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra, the scope of the DO Idiazabal.

Likewise, among its objectives are the commitment to food safety, the improvement of the quality of the authentic Shepherd's Cheese and the defense of its identity: cheese made with raw milk from Latxa sheep from its own herd in family cheese factories, in a traditional way. and whose entire process, from herd management to production, is totally linked to the natural and sustainable environment.

Shepherd's Cheese Coop

Latxa Esnea koop


Latxa Esnea is a unique cooperative, made up of Latxo sheeps pastors , who work on the conviction that together it is less difficult to find solutions and carry them out.

It seeks tools so that its partners are in a situation of less uncertainty, encourages the concentration of milk and its quality, thus increasing commercial attractiveness and taking greater control of production.

Latxa Esnea koop

Goiener Group


GoiEner Taldea is a cooperative project for the generation and consumption of renewable energy, with which it is intended to recover energy sovereignty.

Its mission is that citizens regain control over this basic good and become aware of its importance, promoting responsible and sustainable energy consumption. In addition, it promotes local development working from participation and transparency

Goiener Group



Neiker supports, promotes and contributes to the competitive improvement of the Basque agri-food sector and the conservation of the environment, generating scientific knowledge and transferable solutions that provide wealth and well-being in the Basque Country, with committed and motivated people




AZTI is a scientific and technological centre that develops high-impact transformation projects with organisations aligned with the United Nations 2030 SDGs.

Specialising in marine environments and food, AZTI provides cutting-edge and value-added products and technologies grounded in sound science and research and is a member of BRTA, the Basque Research and Technology Alliance.

AZTI´s purpose is to drive positive change for the future of humankind, contributing to a healthy, sustainable and fair society.

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